Thursday, January 5, 2017

The Disciplinary Tribunal

Title: The Disciplinary Tribunal
Author: zig1742

It was Justin Oakriver's 19th birthday and he was wearing his best suit but he wasn't preparing for a night on the town, he was waiting for a decision that could shape his future. Opposite the sofa where he was sitting, Justin could see his own reflection looking back at him. He looked nervous.

He was a good looking young guy with short fait hair which had a gentle but natural curl. His eyes were grey-blue and his complexion was fair but pink. Thanks to the legacy of his time in the school swim team, he had a slight but well toned frame, which was still apparent through his dark and trim suit. He reached up and adjusted his navy blue tie and the collar of his crisp white shirt.

"You can come in now," said a stern female voice from the room outside which he was waiting.

Justin opened the door and walked gingerly in to the room. It was a long, cool and spartan room with blinds blocking any exterior view and halogen lights filling the space with a cold and unforgiving light.

At the distant end of the room sat three women, behind a polished mahogany table. They were all well dressed in the finest corporate type suits and glowed with the polish of affluence and power. A pen, a closed file and some sheets of paper lay on the table in front of each of the women. There was very little other furniture in the room except a couple of large filing cabinets at the rear.

It was the woman in the centre who had called Justin in and now she indicated for him to sit in the chair facing the table. As he sat himself down in the chair, facing the women he spotted that to the right of the three women, sat another woman, slightly plumper and in a cheaper suit than the other women. It was Maggie Prim. Maggie was a sour woman at the best of times and looked it. She had a near permanent look of disdain whenever she talked to a man and her bob haircut and glasses added to the severe impression.

Justin and Maggie had been working together for some time in the Head Office of Boggan, Burgen and Strappin Solicitors. Maggie was a team manager in the office and he was a junior clerk. At first their dealings had been polite but functional but over time it became clear that Maggie didn't like him. But the dislike eventually became outright hostility and he suspected this was partly because one of Maggie's female fiends, called Mary, had started dating Justin a couple of months back and she was annoyed that Mary was spending time with a guy she already disliked.

Justin and Maggie's already frosty relationship had got even worse, if that was possible, over the last couple of weeks and he put this down to his very fiery break up. Mary had run straight to her old friend and the sly comments he'd been subject to previously from Maggie had evolved in to open insults and some vile and false rumour mongering about him in the office.

Justin turned his attention away from Maggie as he was now seated opposite the woman in the centre of the trio behind the desk. The woman was Ivana Strappin, the senior partner of Boggan, Burgen and Strappin Solicitors. She was about forty five with the look of someone who had fought her way to a position of power. Her shoulder length, sandy coloured hair, was smartly cut and glistened from expensive treatment. She looked suspiciously over her half-moon reading glasses at Justin and sighed with a mix of disappointment and exasperation.

The women on wither side of Ivana were the junior partners, Greta Boggan and Helga Burgen. Greta and Helga were younger that Ivana but equally well groomed and businesslike. They sat silently, observing, while Ivana led the interview.

"Well Mr Oakriver, I'm saddened that matters have had to come to this," said Ivana.

Justin leaned forward in his seat and spoke "I'm sorry Ms Strappin but I really have no idea what all this is about. I arrived at the office this morning and was told to come straight up here."

Justin could see Maggie suppressing a smile out of the corner of his eye.

Ivana opened the file in front of here and Greta and Helga did the same. The three of them scanned to pages and then turned their attention back to Justin.

"Mr Oakriver, this is a most serious matter and pleading ignorance is not going to help you case. Ms Prim has made some very serious allegations and has done so in immaculate detail which demonstrates her clear understanding of legal process. You should be equally exacting in how you behave today"

Justin sat back in his chair, suddenly feeling vulnerable, the accusatory stares form the three partners was very intimidating and Maggie's obvious glee was making him even more nervous.

"I understand that you recently ended a relationship," said Ivana.

"Yes," replied Justin "it's been a difficult time but I can assure you that my work has not been affected."

"It's not the quality of you work that we are here to discuss is it Mr Oakriver, it's your general behaviour that is in question."

Justin sat open-mouthed; uncertain about what Ivana was talking about.

"Mr Oakriver," continued Ivana "I understand that your relationship was a new one and that both you and your partner Mary are both young."

Justin nodded "But I don't understand what any of this has to do with my work."

"Would it be fair to say that your relationship was a passionate one?" asked Ivana.

Justin blushed.

"Would it be fair to say," added Helga "that a young and healthy male like yourself might find the sudden ending of such a passionate relationship difficult to adjust to and that therefore you might find yourself frustrated?"

Helga has almost sneered when she finished that sentence. Justin bit his bottom lip as this talk was both bemusing and humiliating.

"Would it not also be fair to say that a young male such as yourself, who is suddenly frustrated, might resort to unusual and extreme methods of self gratification to compensate for the sudden end of his previous level of sexual activity" concluded Greta.

Justin blushed and shifted uncomfortably "I don't see how the level of passion in my former relationship, my level of frustration or methods of self gratification is an appropriate subject for discussion here."

"I don't think you are in a position to lecture us on what is or is not appropriate," interjected Greta.

Ivana looked at Greta with a sympathetic smile.

"You should know Mr Oakriver that you are here to face serious allegations from Ms Prim of sexual misconduct in the workplace. You would be well advised to cooperate fully with this tribunal or we will be forced to refer this matter to the authorities."

Justin was taken aback; all he could think of was to deny that any such thing had happened. He held back from throwing further allegations at Maggie as it would only make things worse but he managed one mumbled sentence.

"It's not true," he said.

"That, Mr Oakriver, is exactly what we are here to decide. It is fortunate that Ms Prim has been so fastidious in reporting this matter. This file details events in imminence chronological and physical detail."

Justin spotted that Ivana put particular emphasis on the word physical.

"But whatever she said, they are just slanders and she can't support them," he answered.

"Well then," said Ivana "we shall need to go through the report in precise detail and make a judgement about its accuracy and therefore whether the allegation will stand."

Greta looked at the file then turned to Justin and spoke "Ms Prim has alleged that last Friday night, she returned late to work to pick up some papers and found you alone in the office."

"That's possible," said Justin "I often stay late to finish off work."

"It that what you are doing, working?" asked Helga.

"Yes, of course," answered Justin.

Ivana looked up from her papers "Ms Prim alleges that on this particular evening she arrived to find you stripped to the waist, is that true?"

"Of course not," answered Justin, anger creeping in to his voice.

"Do you therefore maintain that Ms Prim has never seen you stripped to the waist?" asked Ivana.

"Yes I do," said Justin confidently.

"Is that your final answer, that Ms Prim has never, under any circumstances seen your uncovered torso?" asked Ivana again.

"I promise you that she never has, not once." said Justin.

"Mr Oakriver, it is then fortunate that Ms Prim has provided an exacting physical description of your torso and any distinguishing features" said Greta.

"Would it therefore not be impossible for Ms Prim to provide an exact description is she had never seen you without your shirt?" asked Helga.

"Yes," replied Justin.

"So, by comparing Ms Prim's description to your torso we would be able to establish very quickly if there is any truth in this report."

Justin could see the logic but was becoming wary about where the tribunal was going.

Ivana crossed her hands on the table in front of her and leaned forward. "Mr Oakriver, can you please stand up."

Justin stood up, he was only about a metre away from the desk where the three senior female lawyers were sitting and scrutinising him.

"Mr Oakriver, please remove your jacket, shirt and tie," demanded Ivana firmly.

"I'm sorry?" said Justin, not believing what he had heard.

"You heard Mr Oakriver," said Helga, sternly.

"I refuse," declared Justin.

Ivana straightened in her chair and replied forcefully "Mr Oakriver, in order to preserve the good reputation of this firm we are determined to deal with this matter internally, where the very worst you could suffer is dismissal. However, if you do not cooperate with every question and request of this Tribunal then we will be forced to refer these allegations to the Police and you will not only face dismissal but a long wait for a trial and possible legal sanction."

Justin stood, his face flushed with outrage and shock.

"Now Mr Oakriver, are you going to strip to your waist or do we need to call the Police to have you taken to the nearest station?" asked Helga.

Justin turned and looked at Maggie, she was maintaining a businesslike facade but he could tell that she was revelling in his discomfort. But with his debts he could not afford to lose his job, let alone face a night in the cells and what would follow if the Tribunal carried out its threat. His only hope was that his innocence would become apparent and that the tables would be turned on Maggie.

"Very well," said Justin "I will cooperate but I wish to declare my innocence and that I will seek redress from Ms Prim for these vile falsehoods."

"Good," said Ivana "then let us proceed quickly, I want this matter resolved. Mr Oakriver, please remove you jacket, shirt and tie as requested than we will compare your torso to Ms Prim's description."

Slowly Justin removed his jacket and hung it over the back of his chair, the he pulled his tie lose and lifted it over his head. Justin could see all the women watching him carefully as he folded the tie and put it in the inside pocket of his jacket.

Then taking a deep breathe, Justin unbuttoned his shirt, pulled it off before folding it and placing it on the floor beside his chair. Then he put his arms down by his side and stood before the women, the bare flesh of his torso exposed to the unforgiving halogen lights and the women's scrutinising gaze.

The three senior lawyers looked at their file and then looked back up at Justin.

"Ms Prim's report states that Mr Oakriver has large pink nipples, that each nipple has three fair hairs but that otherwise his torso is smooth and hairless. She also describes his musculature as toned but not over built with his abdominal muscles clearly but not overly defined," said Helga.

The three women leaned forward and looked intently at Justin's shirtless torso.

"Look there," said Helga "he has hair on his nipples just like Ms Prim's report suggests."

"Yes," replied Ivana "it's his torso is very consistent with the report. Mr Oakriver, can you please turn around, we need to compare Ms Prim's description of your back."

Justin complied, he was hoping that somewhere along the line they would find something which didn't fit the description.

"The report says that the defining characteristic of his back was a spread of light freckles across his shoulder blades," said Greta.

The three women looked up at Justin's back. "Hmm, that's consistent too," said Ivana.

Justin turned around to the Tribunal "There are any number of ways she could have guessed that or spotted some of that info from just looking at me in a T-Shirt. It proves nothing."

The three women looked down at the report again. "The report says that when Ms Prim saw you, you walked up to her without attempting to cover your torso and that when she looked down she noticed your feet were bare. Can you remove you shoes and socks so that we can make a comparison with her description of your feet," said Helga.

Justin complied, his fear of refusing still overcoming his nervousness. They made him put his right foot up on to the table for examination.

"Ms Prim's report describes a averaged sized foot, with little hair and rounded toes," said Helga "again the report is entirely consistent with Mr Oakriver's body."

Ivana looked down at the report again "The next part of the report describes how Mr Oakriver turned away from her and let his trousers fall to the floor. Mr Oakriver, can you turn your back to us and remove your trousers."

Justin looked at them "I'm sorry but this is going to far, I will not take off any more of my cloths."

"Very well then, Ms Boggan, can you please place the call to the Police," said Ivana with a cold steel in her voice.

"No, wait," said Justin "I'll do it."

So Justin turned away so that his back was facing the women of the Tribunal, then nervously and faltering over the buckle of his belt he removed his trousers and folded them over the back of his chair. He heard them discussing what they could see behind him.

"Mr Oakriver can you tell us what underwear you have on," said Helga.

"They are white Calvin Klein briefs," he answered.

"Yes, that's exactly what Ms Prim describes him wearing on the night of the incident and just as she described, they are tight fitting and the dimples in his buttocks are clear to see," said Ivana.

Justin was biting his lip with a mix of anger and frustration as he felt the gaze of the Tribunal on his near naked body. And his stomach was turning with the humiliation that Maggie was watching this too.

"Can you turn around again please," said Greta.

Justin turned to face the women again, his face felt warm as he looked down at the women who were reading from their file again.

"Looking at Ms Prim's report she describes Mr Oakriver's legs as having good but not overdeveloped muscular tone. She also says that at first she thought his legs were hairless but she noticed that they were in fact covered from the thigh down with a fair downy hair," said Greta.

The women ran their eyes up and down Justin's legs, paying particular attention to his thighs. "I think that once again the description of Mr Oakriver's physique is faultless," said Ivana.

"Mr Oakriver," said Helga "we have examined the detail of Ms Prim's report and compared it to your body and in every element, Ms Prim's report has proven faultlessly accurate. Do you still claim to be innocent?"

Justin was fighting hard to suppress his anger. "Firstly, I don't even know what I am supposed to have done. But I know for certain that I am entirely free of guilt."

"Then how do you explain the accuracy of Ms Prim's description?" asked Ivana.

Justin's mind was racing, trying to find an explanation. "She may have seen some holiday picture of me on the beech that I brought in a couple of times."

"So you still maintain your innocence?" asked Ivana.

Justin nodded.

"And you explain her accurate description of your body by suggesting that she may have seen a picture of you on a beech that you brought in to work?" asked Greta.

Justin nodded again.

"Tell me Mr Oakriver," asked Ivana "have you ever brought any naked or erotic pictures of yourself in to the workplace?"

"Certainly not," said Justin.

"So there is no way that Ms Prim could have any more knowledge of you body that is currently on display before us all?" asked Helga.

"There is no way at all," Justin declared with confidence.

"So there still appears to be no resolution to this question," said Ivana "then we will have to proceed further with our examination of the report. Ms Boggan, can you detail the next part of Ms Prim`s report."

"Yes," said Greta "the report goes on to say that while he was facing away from Ms Prim that Mr Oakriver pulled down his briefs, bent forward, reached round behind himself and parted the cheeks of his buttocks wide enough to reveal his anus to Ms Prim."

"What?" shouted Justin in shock.

"The report continues to say that Mr Oakriver stayed in that position for over a minute and puckered the lips of his anus in a mockery of a kiss." finished Greta.

Ivan looked intently at Justin. "Mt Oakriver you will now face away from us, remove you briefs, bend forward, spread your buttocks with you hands and reveal you anus to us so that we can compare it to Ms Prim`s description."

"No, I refuse," Justin was shouting "how dare you ask me to do this."

"No, how dare you," shouted Ivana "you are accused of an obscene act against Ms Prim here. You will do exactly as instructed or I will personally see that you are dealt with severely by the Police and that do not see and end to your troubles for many years."

Justin's anger, frustration, fear and humiliation nearly overwhelmed him and he broke in to a tearful sob. "Please don't make me do this." he begged "I'll do anything."

"You don't need to do anything Mr Oakriver," said Greta "you just need to do as you are told. Now please do as instructed."

With his last shed of dignity and self worth finally crushed, Justin did as he was ordered and shortly found himself completely naked and bent forward with his cheeks spread and his anus exposed to the lights and the intense gaze of the three women of the Tribunal.

He could hear Helga speaking. "The report describes Mr Oakriver's anus as hairless with the lips of the anus being creased with a strong pink colour. If I shine this torch in to the crack between his cheeks you can see that this description exactly described the anus before us."

Justin was beginning to shake from the shock of his experience when he heard Ivana's voice again. "Mr Oakriver can you pleas pucker the lips of you anus so that we can observe if such motion is visible and keep doing so until we tell you to strop."

Justin obeyed, all will to resist now gone. "Look," said Greta "the puckering of the lips is clearly visible. Mr Oakriver can you now stand up and turn to face us."

Justin released his buttock stood up straight and tuned to face the women, placing his hands over his crotch to cover his genitals.

"Well Mr Oakriver, things are not looking very good for you," said Ivana "Ms Prim's description of your body has so far proven entirely accurate which persuades us that her accusations are indeed true."

"But Ms Strappin," said Justin "it's all lies, I promise you."

"Well, the evidence is quite strong," said Ivana "Ms Burgen, can you rell us the next part of the report."

"Indeed," said Helga "after exposing his anus to Ms Prim, the report says that Mr Oakriver turned a faced Ms Prim, revealing his penis and testicles. Ms Prim describes Mr Oakriver's penis and just over medium length, uncircumcised with a pink head, she states that he has a trim bush of fair pubic hair and that his testicles hairless and tight in his scrotum."

"Mr Oakriver," said Ivana "please remove your hands from you genitals so we can examine them."

Justin hesitated. "I don't think we need to remind you again about the consequences of refusing to cooperate with this tribunal," said Helga.

Then, with resignation Justin let his hands fall to his side, exposing his genitals to the three woman of the tribunal who were sitting only a metre in front of him and Maggie watching from the side.

"Can you please pull back your foreskin," said Greta and Justin obeyed.

"Yes, once again the description in the report is accurate," said Ivana "it's proving a compelling case."

"Indeed," said Helga "and Ms Prim sates that at this point Mr Oakriver became erect. Her description of his erection is very diagnostic."

Justin could not believe what he was hearing.

"Mr Oakriver," said Ivana "please can you stimulate you penis until it is erect so we can compare it to Ms Prim's description."

Justin fell to his knees in shame and humiliation, He begged them, tear running down his face for them not to ask this of him. But they were unyielding and demanded he do as he was told, under threat of them bringing in the Police.

So Justin, straightened up but remained kneeling and began to stroke his penis with his right hand. He looked at the women watching him, their eyes moved between his reddened and tear streaked face and his penis, which he was rubbing hard in order to shorten his ordeal.

"Yes, the penis is stiffening," said Ivana "and look, his scrotum is retracting just as described. You may stop stimulating yourself as soon as you have a full erection."

Slowly, Justin's penis hardened and when he was a full mast, he let his hand fall away, exposing his engorged member to the tribunal's examination.

The women leaned forward to look more closely. "Look, the foreskin has retracted behind the head, just as described, and there is a slight curve upwards in the erection," said Helga.

"I'd say the angle and length of the erection matches the description too," concluded Ivana to nods from her colleagues.

"Please stand up and move towards the desk," ordered Greta.

Justin obeyed and he was soon stood right up to his desk, his hard penis over the table and pointing directly at Ivana, barely inches form her face.

The three women then looked down at their files. "The next part of the report is also quite clear and describes how Mr Oakriver pleasured himself in front of Ms Prim and shouted `I'm going to shoot a massive load of cum' before ejaculating in front of her."

Justin didn't even speak, he was beyond fear and humiliation, he was now entering a kind of numb shock, standing there completely naked in front of three powerful women and Maggie with his penis erect. He knew what he was going to be told to do next and he knew refusal was not an option anymore.

"Now listen carefully Mr Oakriver," said Ivana "Ms Prim's description of your method of self stimulation and climax is very detailed. Therefore we are going to have to observe and examine carefully while you masturbate and ejaculate."

Justin remained silent and put his hand to his penis.

"You may begin," said Greta "and please ensure you announce when you are about to ejaculate so that we are prepared."

"And please ensure that your semen lands on the table, we will want to examine the consistency." added Helga.

Justin began masturbating, he dared not close his eyes and had to watch the disgusted faces of the women as he rubbed his hard penis between the fist of his right hand.

"Yes, he is applying the friction exactly as described," said Ivana before adding to Justin "please can you go faster we need to see you ejaculate and we don't have all day."

So, Justin began to jerk his penis faster, he too wanted this over and the sooner he ejaculated the sooner his total humiliation and degradation would be over. He began to thrust in to his fist as fast as he could manage, eventually, he felt the familiar tightening around his scrotum and felt the pressure of the semen rising inside the shaft of his hard and throbbing penis.

"I am about to ejaculate," he said through gritted teeth, barely able to breathe from the tension of the imminent release.

Justin looked down in time to see a long, thick stream of creamy white semen soot out from the tingling opening of his penis. His body pulsed with the contractions of orgasm as he saw the three women of the tribunal and Maggie watching his fluid climax out of him and land on the table.

He thought he had finished when a further, unexpected and trembling, spurt of semen shot p in to the air and struck him in the face. Then he stood there silent and spent, his penis tender and throbbing and his semen spread across the table, smeared across the head of his penis like a white oil slick and a further gelatinous glob of his emission streaked across his face.

The three women of the Tribunal looked carefully at the semen across the table and then looked up and down Justin's flushed and trembling body. He reached up, wiped the semen of his face with his right hand and smeared it across his stomach, he has nowhere else to dispose of it.

"Well Ms Prim's description of Mr Oakriver's methods of self stimulation were accurate but I must admit that his ejaculate was more copious and thicker than she describes." said Ivana.

"I agree," said Helga "overall Ms Prim's report is incredibly accurate but her description of his ejaculate is not consistent."

"What course of action do you suggest we take?" asked Greta.

"Well, the evidence is certainly strong enough to secure a conviction," said Ivan "but Mr Oakriver has cooperated with this tribunal. Therefore, in order to preserve the reputation of this firm I suggest that we do not report this matter to the Police."

The other women nodded.

"I would also add," said Ivana "that if we dismissed Mr Oakriver from our employment that he would in many ways escape further pusihsment for his crime."

Justin was exhausted but he had to declare his innocence one final time. "But the allegations are false."

"Mr Oakriver," said Ivana "because you have cooperated today we are inclined to be lenient with you do not endanger that by further denying you guilt. Now be seated"

Justin sat back in his chair, naked and smeared with semen to listen to the Tribunal.

"Mr Oakriver," said Ivana "because of all the factors I have previously described I have decided that we are going to keep you under employment here. However, to protect our staff you will now be employed on half-pay and will work as a generally office boy in the Partners Privare Office. You will arrive at work each day, enter out office, and not leave again until you leave work".

Helga continued "You willnot mix with the rest of the staff and you will do exactly as instructed."

The three women whispered to each other and then Ivana added. "And to ensure that you come to realise the obscenity of your crime, you will remain naked at all times when working for us."

"But," Justin began to protest with what was left of his energy and dignity, which was very little.

"If you do not comply fully with these terms then we will be forced to report this matter to the Police after all. Do you agree?" said Ivana.

Justin nodded.

"Very well then," said Greta "Ms Prim, you may leave now. Justin you will leave this room and go straight up to our office, You will not dress, you will not clean you emmision from you body and you will not talk to anyone you pass on the way. We will join you and give you your orders for the day in about ten minutes."

The three women watched Justin stand, turn towards the door and leave. Once the door was shut, a fifth woman stepped out form behind a large filing cabinet at the back of the room. It was Mary.

"I think that went well," said Maggie.

"Yes," said Ivana "the physical descriptions you provided from you time as his girlfriend were most valuable."

"Well, at least it will teach him a leason for breaking up with me," said Mary.

"But didn't you dump him?" asked Maggie.

"I did indeed," said Mary "but that doesn't meanI didn't get a lot of pleasure from seeing him humiliated like thay."

All the women laughed.

"And the very best thing," said Greta "is that we now get an office boy for half wage, who will have to spend all his time naked."

They all laughed again, heartened by how successful their trick had been.

"Will you ever let him off,?" asked Maggie.

"Not for a couple of years at least," said Helga "we need the help and the entertainment."

"Good," said Mary "I want to see him repeatedly humiliated, his spirit broken and I want it to continue for a very long time."

"We will make sure that is the case," said Ivana "we will force him to wank for us every day and Greta's got some lube and a dildo we will make him shove up his arsehole when the mood takes us."

"In fact," said Helga "my brother's a Marine and I could ask him to come in and let us watch him fuck and be sucked off by Justin."

"Do you think he's comply with that?" asked Maggie.

"Oh yes, Justin's fully broken in now," said Mary "just make sure everyone in the office sees the pictures."

The End.

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